Integrating mangrove forests into REDD+ workshop
| February 18th, 2021 | NBFN News
Organised by the Norwegian Blue Forest Network and Norway’s International Climate and Forest Initiative (NICFI)
Oslo, October 16-17
The goal of the workshop was to identify key challenges and potential solutions for integrating mangroves into REDD+ strategies. The workshop participants identified several key categories of challenges for integrating mangroves into REDD+, including social barriers (e.g. lack of analytical capabilities within specific regions); policy barriers (e.g. unclear tenure in mangrove areas and jurisdictional controls); market-based barriers (e.g. access to carbon markets, how to structure benefit sharing schemes); and monitoring barriers (e.g. complexity with soil depth measurements). Breakout groups then detailed aspects of challenges within each category, focusing on social, policy, market-based, and monitoring issues. Solutions to some of these barriers were also suggested. From these discussions, two key themes emerged:
- Several challenges are shared with tropical terrestrial forests, but mangroves also present unique challenges. These challenges can be overcome as the importance of the values outweigh the existing barriers.
- Social and cultural issues are embedded in many of the challenges to integrating mangroves into REDD+, although there are identified interventions and potential solutions that can be used to overcome these.