Blue Forests of Oslo: Planting seagrass with children to save the fjord (Hybrid event)

| September 26th, 2022 | Highlights


Location: Oslofjord Museum (or digital)
Date: 29 September 2022 at 08.45 – 09.45
Register: Form here

Eelgrass beds are marine underwater beds formed by the seagrass eelgrass. They constitute an important nature type that houses a rich biological diversity and produces a number of ecosystem services. Researcher Kristina Øie Kvile from NIVA, the Norwegian Institute for Water Research, presents a new project to try to restore eelgrass meadows in suitable areas within Oslo municipality’s borders.

The species in the Oslofjord need more space, security and a healthier fjord. But how do we achieve this? How to go from knowledge to understanding to empathy and commitment among most people? The Oslofjord’s blue forests project is based on those who most often ask the question “Why?”, namely children and young people. Biologist and senior political adviser at Sabima, Norith Eckbo, talks about how research and communication can contribute to hope and a better future for all the species that live in, by and on the fjord.

Doors open at 08.15, event and streaming start at 08.45. A simple breakfast, coffee and tea will be served.

The event is part of Nature-based zone , which is NIVA’s webinar series on nature-based and blue-green solutions for climate and the environment.

On the occasion of the Research Days , which this year has the sea as its theme, the Nature-based zone will be both digital and physical for the first time.

Feel free to travel by public transport to Vollen by boat from Aker brygge or bus.


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