Hav og blått karbon på COP27
| november 14th, 2022 | Høydepunkter
Denne livebloggen inneholder hav, blå skoger og kyst- og havblått karbon-relaterte sidearrangementer på UNFCCC COP27 (6. – 18. nov.). Dette innlegget vil bli oppdatert gjennom hele COP og ble opprinnelig lagt ut på GEF Blue Forests Project. Innholdet i denne bloggen er på engelsk.
For foreslåtte oppdateringer eller redigeringer vennligst send en e-post: steven.lutz (@) grida.no
(Sist oppdatert 9. nov, versjon 5)
- COP 27 side events schedule
https://seors.unfccc.int/applications/seors/reports/events_list.html - IISD’s Earth Negotiations Bulletin coverage of the Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference COP 27
https://enb.iisd.org/sharm-el-sheikh-climate-change-conference-cop27 - COP27 Virtual Ocean Pavilion
https://cop27oceanpavilion.vfairs.com/ (registration needed) - UNESCO’s IOC at the Climate COP27
https://ioc.unesco.org/news/join-unescos-ioc-climate-cop27-sharm-el-sheikh - International Partnership for Blue Carbon calendar of blue carbon events
SUnday, november 6
IMF & Bahamas meeting on the sidelines of COP27
Nassau Guardian article: PM ‘very encouraged’ by IMF director’s support of Bahamas
MONDAY, november 7
Global Mangroves into 2030/2050 – Ramsar COP14
2:15 – 13:15 EET, Plenary C
Lead organization: Mangrove Foundation (MCF), China (lead), National Forestry and Grassland Administration (NFGA), P.R.C., United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Wetlands International (WI), SEE Conservation, Vanke Foundation
This side event will review the progress and challenges on global mangrove conservation, promote consensus among stakeholders in protecting mangrove and blue carbon, and mobilize science-based innovation and synchronized actions in the next decade, under the vision 2050 on biodiversity. It also calls for all parties to support development of international mangrove protection and collaboration mechanism, as well as facilitate the establishment of International Mangrove Center.
TUESDAY, november 8
Ocean Future Lab
8:30 am – 10:00 am EET, Nature Pavillion, Blue Zone
Organisers: High-Level Champions, GCA Ocean & Coastal Zones & partners of Ocean Action Events, Ocean & Climate Platform, Bloomberg Philanthropies
Ocean-based mitigation and adaptation
9:00 am – 10:00 am EET, Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone
Organisers: The Ocean Policy Research Institute of the Sasakawa Peace Foundation
Blue Carbon in Blue Economy Development and Achievement of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) targets
10:00 – 11:20 am, Indonesia Pavilion, D2
Organisers: Indonesia
Carbon Removal using Coastal Blue Carbon Ecosystems
10:30 – 11:30 am EET, Atoms4 Climate Pavilion
Organisers: IAEA
IAEA is investigating the potential of vegetated coastal ecosystems as a natural climate solution to increase carbon dioxide draw-down from atmosphere and long-term storage in sediments.
This roundtable shall discuss the effectiveness of this nature-based solution for carbon sequestration and the potential of these ecosystems to preserve biodiversity.
Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kvCTUMvc8LA
IAEA News article: IAEA COP27 Event Focuses on Blue Carbon as a Nature-Based Climate Solution
Global Leadership on Blue Carbon: Keys to Success
11:00 am – 12:00 pm EET, Nature Pavillion, Blue Zone
Organisers: Conservation International, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO and the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Building resilience in blue carbon ecosystems for coastal communities
1:00 pm – 1:55 pm AEDT, Moana Blue Pacific Pavilion, Blue Zone
Organisers: The Commonwealth Blue Charter
Flyer Building resilience in blue carbon ecosystems for coastal communities
Bahamas national statement to COP27
13:00 EET, High-Level Segment
Philip Davis, Prime Minister of Bahamas delivers his national statement during the High-Level Segment for Heads of State and Government summit on the third day of the COP27 UN Climate Change Conference.
Transcript of Bahamian statement to COP27
Bloomberg transcript and audio recording of interview with PM Davis’ COP27 on his statement
Ocean Knowledge for Climate Resilience
14:30 – 15:30 EET, Bellona Pavilion
Flyer Ocean Knowledge for Climate Resilience
Connectivity and collaboration as tools for ocean-climate action in the Eastern Tropical Pacific
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm EET, Nature Pavillion, Blue Zone
Organisers: The Pew Charitable Trusts
WEDNESDAY, november 9
Whose Ocean Is It Anyway? Why Ocean Heritage Matters for Climate Change Mitigation
09:00 – 10:30 am EET, Virtual Ocean Pavilion
Organizers: Ocean Decade Heritage Network, Cultural Heritage Framework Programme (CHFP), and Edinburgh Marine Archaeology (University of Edinburgh)
Streaming at the Virtual Ocean Pavilion (registration needed)
Clearing the Blue Carbon Highway: Governance, Benefit Sharing and Rights
1:30 pm – 3:00 pm EET, Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone
Organisers: Blue Marine Foundation
Seagrass – the new frontier in blue carbon credits?
11:00 – 12:30 EET, Virtual Ocean Pavilion
Organizers: Fauna & Flora International in collaboration with Akdeniz Koruma Dernegi, Blue Ventures, Project Seagrass
Streaming at the Virtual Ocean Pavilion (registration needed)
Communicating Ocean Science for Climate Action
15:45 – 16:45 EET, UNESCO Pavilion
Organisers: IOC-UNESCO
Flyer Communicating Ocean Science for Climate Action (register to watch the livestream)
International finance opportunities: Gaps and needs for ocean-based climate action towards implementing SDG14.3
16:00 – 17:00 EET, Pacific Pavilion
Organisers: IOC-UNESCO
Harnessing Finance for Addressing Climate-Ocean Change
14:00 – 15:00 EET, Virtual Ocean Pavilion
Organizers: International Alliance to Combat Ocean Acidification, the Global Fund for Coral Reefs
Streaming at the Virtual Ocean Pavilion (registration needed)
THURSDAY, november 10
Fishing for climate resilience: Unlocking the collective potential of vulnerable, coastal communities for climate action
9:00 am EET
Organisers: Rare, GLISPA
Coastal Wetlands in National and Sub-national Climate Strategies: Nature-Based Solutions in Practice
9:00 am – 10:00 am AEDT, Nature Pavillion, Blue Zone
Organisers/Moderators – Pew Charitable Trusts
Theme: Moderated panel sharing key learnings from countries and US states at various stages of implementing current, and developing future, targets for their coastal “blue carbon” habitats – mangrove, seagrass and saltmarsh – as nature-based solutions within national and subnational climate strategies.
Towards an innovative integrated transformative action to tackle climate change
11:00 – 12:00 am EET, Mediterranean Pavilion
Oganisers: EMEA
The event presents the latest science- based innovative initiatives that are exploring how to align most recent pioneering scientific knowledge, research with sustainability to tackle decisively climate change challenges.
The event is organised by EMEA and gathers founders from Minderoo Foundation , Rebalance Earth, IMF research on Nature Based Solutions, Brain Capital Alliance, the Blue Green World, and Switchmed to accelerate sustainability, that tackles climate change challenges from a trans-disciplinary perspective, linking economy, biodiversity, neuroscience, urban planning and finance.
Topic 1: Towards a new paradigm of “Nature Capital” – Nature based solutions embedded in the capacity of wild species to sequester carbon dioxide and new pricing models. Panelist: Ralph Chami (IMF)
The Mangrove Breakthrough Launch
10:30 am – 11:00 am EET
Organisers: Global Mangrove Alliance (GMA) and the High-Level Champions
Blue carbon: establishing policy and enhancing implementation based on science
4:30 pm – 6:30 pm EET, Korea Pavilion, Blue Zone
Organisers: Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries of the Republic of Korea, KOEM, Kunsan National University
FRIDAY, november 11
Fish are Carbon Engineers
8 – 9 am EET, Ocean Pavilion
Organisers: Our Fish
Fish, like whales and plankton, are keystones of the ocean’s biological pump, the system constantly at work capturing and storing excess carbon from the atmosphere. Fisheries Management can help to conserve that system and in turn combat climate change. The Ocean & Climate Change Dialogue 2022 made clear that we must protect our ocean AND value its potential as a place for sustainable climate solutions and action. The UNFCCC must now acknowledge and mainstream good fisheries management as good carbon management.
Representatives from civil society, government and the scientific community will discuss the evidence in support of fisheries management as carbon management and what opportunities exist for maximising this to deliver on climate action commitments.
Event link (video will be avaliable here)
Ocean acidification, climate and society – mitigation and adaptation opportunities and challenges towards addressing SDG14.3
09:00-10:00 am EET, IAEA Pavilion
Organisers: IOC-UNESCO
Ocean x Climate Summit
10:00 am – 5:00 pm (all day summit) Park Regency in Sharm El-Sheikh (10 minutes from the Blue Zone)
Website Ocean x Climate Summit (registration required)
Agenda includes:
10:30 AM – Blue Horizons: Promise & Potential for the Future of Our Ocean – Scientific discovery, ocean exploration, and technological innovation all demonstrate how the ocean is our greatest ally in addressing climate change.
4:10 PM – The value of a living ocean to our health and economic well being – Keynote: Ralph Chami Assistant Director, The International Monetary Fund; Co-Founder, Rebalance Earth
4:30 PM – The Future of Blue Carbon – Blue Carbon is a key topic at this COP. This discussion will pull together the main issues and provide clarity on what needs to be done to unlock the potential of Blue Carbon.
Blue carbon: the ocean’s role in fighting climate change
15:00 – 16:00 pm EET, Ocean Pavillion
Organized by: National Oceanography Centre
There is no climate solution without the ocean, and research will help us to continue to understand and harness the ocean’s unique contribution. The term “blue carbon” may be used holistically to refer to the uptake and storage of carbon dioxide in marine systems by physical, chemical and biological ocean processes – from the coast to the deep ocean. Blue carbon approaches to climate change mitigation and adaptation are being discussed more and more by policy-makers and this event aims to ensure that policy is driven by science, delivering the climate change impacts we all need.
GOOS Panelists: Anya Waite (CEO at OFI, GOOS Co-Chair)
SATURDAY, november 12
Mangrove Blue Carbon Market Opportunities
9:00 am – 10:00 am EET, Savoy Sharm El Sheikh
Organisers: Global Landscape Forum
Ocean change: Adaptation and mitigation opportunities and challenges
10:30 am EET, Ocean Pavilion, Blue Zone
Organisers: IOC-UNESCO
This side event will provide a platform to explore the opportunities & challenges for nations and stakeholders related to observing and understanding ocean change; local & regional adaptation mechanisms to a rapidly changing ocean; including the conservation and restoration of carbon rich ecosystems, the safe implementation of ocean carbon dioxide removal technologies; and climate smart ocean management for supporting sustainable development and protecting ocean life and those that depend on it.
MONDAY, november 14
Setting global nature-based solutions standards
9:00 am – 10:00 am EET, Nature Pavillion, Blue Zone
Organisers: Australia, The Pew Charitable Trusts
World Mangrove Center: Integrated and Sustainable Mangrove Management Towards Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030
11:30 – 12:50, Indonesia Pavillion, A8
Organisers: Indonesia
Streamed here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEI1hTX_ve4
International Blue Carbon Institute Launch
4:00 pm – 7:00 pm EET, Singapore Pavilion
The International Blue Carbon Institute will accelerate and scale blue carbon implementation in Asia and beyond though science, training, and development of essential technical capacity, methodologies, and tools.
Invitation International Blue Carbon Institute Launch
TUESDAY, november 15
Ocean-Based Climate Solutions: Enabling Frameworks for Action
12:30 – 1:30 PM EET, Climate Education Hub, Blue Zone
Organisers: Ocean Visions
Website Ocean Visions at COP27
Watch live here: earthday.org/climateeducationhub
Partnerships to accelerate action to protect blue carbon ecosystems for mitigation and adaptation
1:15 pm – 2:45 pm EET, Thutmose Room, Blue Zone
Organisers: Australia and IOC-UNESCO on behalf of the International Partnership for Blue Carbon (IPBC), The Pew Charitable Trusts
Jointly combating the Climate and Biodiversity crises: the critical role of Nature-based Solutions
1:45 pm – 2:45 pm EET, Thebes Room, Blue Zone
Organisers: IUCN, World Resources Institute
Ocean-Climate-Society: challenges & opportunities for ocean mitigation, adaptation, finance & UNFCCC
4:45 pm – 6:15 pm EET, Memphis Room, Blue Zone
Organisers: Plymouth Marine Laboratory, Blue Marine Foundation, European Bureau for Conservation and Development (EBCD), Rare, University of Strathclyde
WEDNESDAY, november 16
Blue Climate Solutions: Considering the Ocean’s Role in Our Path to Net Negative Emissions
9:30 – 11:00 AM, Ocean Pavilion
Organisers: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI)
Every path to a sustainable climate future must pass through the ocean. We will discuss the scientific basis for ocean-based carbon dioxide removal (CDR) approaches to complement deep emissions reductions, as well as the research agenda, governance structure, investment needs, and ethical framework necessary to ensure a sustainable climate future for all.
Blue carbon implementation lab
3:00 – 4:30 PM, Action room 2, Climate action zone
Organisers: Earth Negotiations Bulletin
The Blue Carbon Implementation Lab will explore the innovative projects, policies, and partnerships that are successfully achieving high-quality outcomes for climate, communities, and biodiversity in and around blue carbon ecosystems globally and the remaining challenges to their implementation.