Projects Library

Burial of Kelp Carbon in Sediments – BURSE
BURIAL OF KELP CARBON IN SEDIMENTS – BURSE BURSE aims at quantifying burial of kelp carbon in soft sediments on deep water. Background Kelps are perennial algae that make up dense forests on shallow water (0-30 m depth). Each kelp can be up to 3-4 m and is attached to hard substratum by a holdfast. […]

KELPFLOAT aims to quantify the subsidy of kelp material to deeper and shallower ecosystems adjacent to kelp forests, and to identify kelp drift accumulation areas. Background Regime shifts between sea urchin barrens and kelp forests, and shifts from kelp forests to reefs dominated by turf-forming algae have resulted in altered kelp biomass and detrital production […]

Raet National Park Marine Ecosystem Service assessment
RAET NATIONAL PARK MARINE ECOSYSTEM SERVICE ASSESSMENT Background Raet National Park is a marine national park, which includes approx. 607 square kilometers of the coastal nature and the sea outside the municipalities of Tvedestrand, Arendal and Grimstad – from the municipal boundary towards Risør in the east to Valøyene outside Fevik in Grimstad municipality in […]

Ecosystem Services in the Coastal Zones of the Nordic Countries – CoastalServices
ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN THE COASTAL ZONES OF THE NORDIC COUNTRIES – COASTAL SERVICES The project looked at the values related to important habitats along the Nordic coasts. During the spring of 2016, partners from Norway, Sweden and Denmark developed an overview of the available information within this field and synthesized this knowledge in a report […]